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A Proposition for Global Harmony: An Excerpt from Nataraja Guru's Memoir on World Governance

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| 01 JAN 2024 | ©2023 Autogenerated.

Unity of Humanity: A Fundamental Principle
This memorandum on World Government is rooted in the fundamental acknowledgment that humanity is inherently unified. Drawing from a scientific and unitive perspective, it rejects the notion of humanity as fragmented groups. Analogous to the rejection of polytheism, recognizing humanity as a unified entity arises from a shared origin, common interests, and cohesive ideals fostering empathy. The unitive and absolute value transcends physical and ideological boundaries, promoting compassion and repulsion towards injustice as universal threads binding all inhabitants of our shared world.
Human Nature: A Nuanced Duality
Understanding the interplay of good and evil within human existence demands a nuanced perspective. Rejecting extreme views, this balanced approach recognizes both positive and negative aspects of human nature. The path lies in a method and theory specific to wisdom, distinct from logical reasoning or mechanistic intelligence.
A Novel Yet Time-Honored Approach
Scientific articulation of this approach is essential to harmonize conflicting elements without discord. Just as the unity of humanity holds, absolute justice, universal goodness, and a singular ideal of human happiness form the bedrock of our existence. The envisioned World Government takes on the responsibility of organizing human life along unitive lines.

The Science of Dialectics

The central question isn’t whether human life is inherently good or bad, but whether inherent goodness can triumph over ignorance through wisdom. Viewing human goodness dynamically within the evolving flow of life is key. Living unitively involves shaping human life progressively based on values integrated into a constantly evolving flux. The proposed Science of Geo-Dialectics applies pure dialectical reasoning to address global issues.

The Geo-Dialectical Method

The geo-dialectical method involves recognizing interconnected counterparts in any given situation, balancing freedom and necessity. Acknowledging and addressing these dialectical counterparts in unitive terms revolves around the overarching value of happiness. This method, an applied facet of pure dialectics, requires a comprehensive study for complete understanding.

Challenges and Pitfalls of a Mechanistic Approach

A mechanistic, non-dialectical, and non-unitive approach, failing to acknowledge the holistic nature of nations and individuals, leads to anomalies and calamities. Overlooking the intricate interdependence of individuals and nations invites disasters. Each person and cultural group possesses integrated personalities rooted in history, defying reduction to mechanistic treatments. Genocidal tragedies result from arbitrary nation partitioning, emphasizing the importance of a dialectical understanding.

The Urgency of World Government

The ideal time for a world government has passed, and humanity faces unprecedented challenges. In a world contemplating mass extermination and threats against the innocent, the proclamation of a world government is overdue. This government must safeguard humanity’s wisdom heritage and protect those cherishing absolute human values. Advocates assert that the time has come for all lovers of humanity to take a resolute stand, shunning double talk, compromise, and doubt.

Section I: Genesis

The Existence of the World Government as a Factual Reality

The inception of the World Government, at least in principle, occurred on September 4, 1953, at Long. 63° 25′ West, Lat. 44° 32′ North. Utter Necessity justified its existence, arising from unique personal and global stress states. This momentous event unfolded when a stateless individual, already a de facto citizen of the world, found himself involuntarily confined within a closed territory. The absence of a governing body to represent him necessitated the conception of the World Government. The imperatives of time, the principle that necessity knows no law, and the adages “all is fair in love and war” and “better now than never” played pivotal roles. The World Government emerged as a response to intrinsic quality grounded in Absolute Truth or Justice. It emphasizes the power of one to steer the ship to safety, despite potential lamentations. The unquestionable validity of the World Government aligns with geo-dialectics, claiming no territory beyond the globe’s surface, posing no threat to existing governments, and maintaining its unique absolute status. It functions as an influencer, guiding humanity through the intrinsic truth that a word to the wise suffices. The confirmation of the World Government on May 15, 1956, marked a significant step forward. Establishing neutrality between dominant and recessive aspects of world political life, it acknowledged the dangers of relativism. A stricter geo-dialectical pact was formed between representatives, setting the framework for the World Government’s growth. The government aims to gain momentum through the goodwill of the global populace, becoming an efficient instrument for reorienting and regulating human affairs. This memorandum joyfully announces the birth of the World Government, emphasizing its global, unitive politics dedicated to the political happiness of humanity. It signifies politics and no-politics simultaneously, grounded in the pure politics termed geopolitics.

Section II: Alternative Approaches: A Critical Examination

All Previous Approaches: Negative or Relativistic

Examining why collaboration with existing international organizations is not pursued reveals a fundamental flaw in all of them—they are tainted by either a “negative” or a “relativistic” approach. The essence of these terms becomes apparent in light of our previous discussions.

Negativism, in this context, refers to proposals for peace or disarmament grounded in regret or fear associated with recent or anticipated wars. During moments of heightened collective emotion, entities offering swift solutions secure substantial funding in the name of peace or security. However, as regret and fear subside, positive attitudes emerge, leading to the replacement of one organization by another in a modified form. For instance, the League of Nations was succeeded by the United Nations, which, in turn, may face a similar fate when its shortcomings in ensuring global security become evident. Despite its declared intentions, the United Nations has been ineffective in reducing member nations’ armaments or curbing their national excesses. While it may have some merits, it falls short in implementing its declaration of human rights and addressing the dangers of atomic tests. The United Nations, in essence, has become a platform for power groupings to engage in verbal clashes, rendering it, at best, a grand debating society housed in modern buildings with numerous interpreters, stenographers, and clerks. Numerous attempts have been made to work through the United Nations by the advocates of the present World Government, all of which have proven futile.

Relativism, on the other hand, involves maintaining some form of duality between “free nations” and others within the organization’s structure. The organization lacks a unitive conception according to any science of Absolutism. Representation, admission, or expulsion relies on no uniform norms universally or publicly formulated.

Private, Partial, or Party Organizations with Global Agendas

Numerous religious, political, or commercial entities wield influence in global affairs. For example, the Communist Party significantly shapes world politics, while the Catholic Church and other bodies have extensive world programs. Commercial conglomerates and banking institutions, overtly or covertly, perform functions that a World Government should ideally undertake. While these entities serve humanity in various capacities, the absence of a properly formulated World Government prohibits any criticism of their services or exploitations in global affairs. International organizations, like the Universal Postal Union, exist across different sectors, but their resolutions may or may not be ratified by member nations, and even when ratified, arbitrary sovereignty or nationalism often limits their application. The approach to such issues lacks the precision of the scientific basis claimed by the World Government outlined in this Memorandum. While these organizations may be nearly good, wholesale scientific grounding, as provided by the science of geo-dialectics, is imperative for a World Government to succeed. Geo-dialectics relies on a unique and invaluable form of higher reasoning, crucial for the success of any World Government. Success, even on a large scale, would not justify these endeavors if they lacked this crucial scientific foundation. The same truth is encapsulated in the age-old saying that “good government is no substitute for self-government.” A government’s mandate must derive from the people to be governed and, from another pole, from the implicit Absolute Justice within such a government. Much like religion or morality, the sources of World Government are twofold, resulting from ascending and descending dialectical counterparts. While these principles are clarified in the light of general dialectics, yet to be formulated and taught in the proposed Institute of Dialectics, the assertion remains that partial and unscientific approaches to the World Government problem lack validity.

Section III: Distinctive and Affirmative Characteristics

What Sets the World Government Apart

We have emphasized that the World Government stands apart by not relying on power enforced through threats or punishment. Its authority is derived from the genuine need for its existence and its adherence to principles of justice and rightness. Furthermore, it has no territorial aspirations and does not seek to usurp functions already competently handled by existing governments. There is a deliberate avoidance of overlapping or duplication in the outlined scheme. The concept of diarchy or a parallel form of government is firmly rejected. Despite this rejection, the World Government does not position itself as secondary to any other government. It consciously steers clear of functioning as a supra-state in the conventional sense. Regarding political theory, it rejects laissez-faire doctrine and firmly opposes the outdated notion of “might is right.” The Benthamian principle of “the greatest happiness of the greatest number” is also at odds with the World Government’s principles. Quantitative thinking, leading to a mechanistic or relativistic approach, is expressly rejected in favor of a dialectical approach to global problems.

Founded on a Solemn Pact

The World Government finds its foundation in a solemn pact between the global populace and a wise advocate of humanity representing the general good of humanity. Though presented as two aspects, these counterparts are integral to the same coin named Absolute Happiness, Goodness, or Justice of Humanity. This unitive central value transcends any order stimulus employed. Crucially, it aligns with human dignity. When the World Government reaches full operational capacity, bread and freedom will be accessible to all through the conscious cooperation and understanding of the global population. In broad terms, the World Government’s mission is the intelligent organization of human life activities, ensuring conformity with human nature without violating innate dispositions, legitimate interests, or aspirations.

Active and Positive Governance

The World Government must be practical and effective, delivering tangible benefits within the realm of politics. Mere aspirational ideals, such as waiting for the establishment of an earthly utopia, are insufficient. Genuine governance necessitates improving human life on Earth, reducing humiliation, helplessness, and suffering. While avoiding excessive interference in overt actions that could fuel rivalry and create more conflicts, the World Government must strike a balance between war and peace, activity and passivity, cooperation and competition. The positive program of the World Government constantly counterbalances the negative, striving to maintain a just equilibrium between opposing tendencies, offering a higher ideal for humanity.

Positive Pressure and Vertical Ascent

Individuals become better by consciously aspiring to goodness and, once good, should refrain from unwarranted interference in others’ affairs. This principle extends to families, rural or urban units, and even to large political entities. All must adhere to the same geo-dialectical absolutist morality. The order established by the World Government can be expected when all formations follow these laws. There is no frenetic horizontal activity; instead, a positive pressure leading to a vertical ascent must be maintained in human life. This pressure can be likened to a moral or spiritual heat or the magnetizing influence of electrical currents. The principle of double negation and double assertion, known in scholastic philosophy, is implicit here, awaiting further elucidation in a comprehensive treatise on geo-dialectics.

Section IV: Operational Agenda

Objectives of the World Government

The primary objective of the World Government is to introduce a comprehensive and novel global perspective to address worldwide challenges. Central to this effort is the cultivation of a growing population of World Citizens – individuals embodying the principles of the General Good and the Good of All. These individuals, while pursuing personal happiness through dialectical wisdom, will actively strive to contribute to the well-being of their fellow human beings in harmony with the same wisdom. This balanced life, unitively approached, will elevate the value of the individual within society, endowing them with a subtle influence or presence akin to a modern-day knight errant. These individuals will identify numerous opportunities to render significant service to humanity, extending beyond the confines of geopolitics, the primary focus of this Memorandum.

Affiliation with the cause of World Citizenship and World Government imparts certain rights and duties to those who claim the status. This affiliation, grounded in a deep understanding of the underlying science, guards against the formation of exclusive groups or castes among these World Citizens. Conscious awareness of this potential danger, coupled with a commitment to self-correction and mutual support, mitigates the risk. The inherent unitive outlook, integral to the geo-dialectical science, permeates not only the conscious ego but also the sub-conscious, infra-conscious, and transparent awareness levels, countering exclusiveness effectively. This unitive perspective ensures proportion, balance, normality, wholesomeness, harmony, and human grace to World Citizenship.

The success of the World Government hinges on its ability to produce adept World Citizens who can champion its cause globally. These individuals serve as crucial assets in advancing the World Government’s mission in diverse regions.

Political Effectiveness from Various Angles

Practicing World Politics from Inside:

Once elected on a World Government ticket to a local or national body, a World Citizen adheres to geo-dialectical norms and standards. Striking a middle-of-the-road position, the World Citizen supports the head of a group symbolically while maintaining allegiance to the broader principles of Absolute Justice and Morality. Through a new global approach to political discourse, they can advocate for disarmament, appealing to the people’s sense of justice. In case of ousting, public support could transition to street protests, aligning with just causes and the interests of common humanity.

Practicing World Politics from Above:

Influential individuals, particularly women, can leverage their positions and resources to study and support the plans of the World Government. Preservation of humanity’s cultural and intellectual heritage, irrespective of national claims, becomes a priority. These individuals act as custodians of universal values, ensuring the preservation of human rights and the best aspects of global heritage.

Practicing World Politics from Below:

Ordinary individuals, entangled in ideological and physical frontiers, register with the World Government as World Citizens. Facing myriad restrictions, they rely on their collective numbers to apply vertical pressure to counteract bureaucratic impediments. This grassroots movement aims to bring about a fair and just world by resonating with the trumpet blasts for absolute fairness both from within and outside the walls of Jericho.

In essence, the World Government’s operational agenda revolves around cultivating enlightened World Citizens and strategically engaging in political activities from different vantage points to advance its unitive and absolute principles. This multifaceted approach seeks to bring about positive change on a global scale.

The Holistic Functioning of the World Government

The World Government assumes the crucial role of articulating the unexpressed sentiments of the global soul or the emerging personality of the world’s people. It must unabashedly broadcast its perspective with authority, providing truth the opportunity to prevail. Relativistic compromises, weakening humanity presently, must be eschewed. As the World Government becomes increasingly visible, it embodies the conscience of humanity, shedding light on errors detrimental to human interests. Crucially, it should steer clear of becoming a tool for any existing power block, maintaining impartiality even if assistance comes from one quarter more than another. This entails avoiding sensationalist propaganda and fostering the creation of a “Voice of Humanity” and a World News Agency to serve the cause of the World Government.

Issuance of World Passports

Commencement of the issuance of World Passports addresses the plight of millions lacking national status within nations. Nations have already begun responding, and these individuals will henceforth be affiliated with the World Government. Their collective voice articulated through the World Government ensures their representation and influence on global matters.

Proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as made by the United Nations in Paris in 1948, serves as a legitimate overarching function, encompassing numerous points that remain unimplemented. Many nations, major and minor, have committed to the thirty articles in this Declaration. The World Government, by exerting vertical pressure for the Declaration’s implementation, aids nations in adhering to their avowed undertakings.

Establishment of a World Committee

The creation of a World Committee is imperative for periodically endorsing the World Government and its functions. Additionally, it facilitates World Conferences to compare notes and address matters incidental to the formation and proper functioning of the Government. These aspects are integral to the unfolding and gradual expansion of the Government, adapting to external conditions and innate forces. Powers of supervision and assent can be vested in a Representative Select Committee comprising individuals with normative wisdom or proper training from the Institute of Dialectics associated with the World Government. This committee ensures a structured and informed approach to the continuous development and effectiveness of the World Government.


Territorial Jurisdiction

The World Government’s territorial jurisdiction spans the entire surface of the Earth, devoid of aspirations to own a specific area for a primary government with associated challenges like land taxes, borders, and defense arrangements. Recognizing that current governments are burdened: with outdated remnants of the past, comprehensive revisions will naturally unfold as the envisaged World Government becomes progressively effective. Mundialization, the global integration of select administrative units, remains a plausible consideration.


The revenue model hinges on the principle of indirect taxation, maintaining a semblance of the current approach. Indirect taxation consented to mutually become the source of revenue, with charges levied for services rendered by the World Government. Essential commodities may be exempted from such taxation, while luxury items could be subjected to taxation, a responsibility overseen by the World Service Authority under the World Government. This indirect taxation framework serves as a form of profit, aligned with services provided. Present economic irregularities, wherein wealth is concentrated without adhering to standards of absolute justice, will be scrutinized by the World Government. The possibility of introducing a universally recognized credit and currency, structured on rational human principles and the equitable exchange of labor for essential needs, is contemplated. A cooperative environment, free from excessive competition and embracing labor-saving technologies, forms the basis for this envisioned economic system.

As emphasized earlier, the most valuable asset of the World Government is the World Citizen. Given that World Citizens can be found globally, united by the righteousness of the cause, the assets of well-intentioned individuals worldwide inherently contribute to the resources of the World Government. A revised, living, and organic system for accounting and budgeting, free from the duality of ends and means, is imperative. In the pursuit of this transformative endeavor, the emphasis is on functionality rather than showcasing large financial figures. Ultimately, the intricacies of large-scale banking are demystified as a sophisticated form of bookkeeping.


Unitive Approach

Acknowledging that wars originate in the minds of men, even seasoned politicians recognize the spiritual nature of solutions to global issues. While dialectical materialism prioritizes necessity and hunger, the present Memorandum advocates a unitive approach to world problems, bridging diverse perspectives. Consider the armaments race, fueled by mistrust; a genuine proposal from the World Government could magically ease tensions, dispelling mutual suspicion and redirecting budget allocations towards constructive ends.

Various Incidental Items

The World Government could champion farmers by alleviating taxation burdens, establishing cooperative colonies to counter competitive pressures, and introducing fair-priced shops to eliminate middlemen. Additionally, initiatives like clubs for those facing perpetual boredom or conferring honors on humanitarian contributors can elevate the quality of life for diverse segments. The World Government’s existence gains justification through multifaceted endeavors.

Decentralization and the Erasure of Issues

Decentralization and dialectical cancellation offer promising avenues for the World Government. By canceling out interdependent issues, such as labor suffering due to capital or large mills causing slums, the World Government can facilitate order without centralized interference.

New States

Guiding new states in framing constitutions aligned with the World Government’s spirit ensures political world-mindedness, preventing disruptions in the future.

Need for Sacrifice on the Part of World Government Sponsors

World Government sponsors must embrace sacrifice and renunciation, exemplifying detachment from power and material greed. True adherence to human unity necessitates internalizing the blissful self-sufficiency induced by the contemplation of the Absolute Self. Every individual, irrespective of background, can embody this ideal, attaining spiritual equality through a decision to regulate their life in alignment with the Absolute Norm.

In conclusion, this memorandum, imperfect yet earnest, is submitted to those favorably disposed to examine it with sympathy and understanding. For those who may not share this disposition, a plea is made to withhold disparagement, allowing the document to resonate with lovers of Wisdom and humanity. May this prayer accompany the memorandum on its journey.

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